Ionut Indre


Title:  Web Security - Hacking Web Applications Part 1
Location: Alten Stockholm Office
Date: 17:00 - 28th May 2019 
Description: Understand what it takes to secure your own web application by having a session with hand-on exercises regarding web application attacks and vulnerabilities.

Title:  Security Awareness – A crucial skill for everyone 
Location: Alten Stockholm Office
Date: 17:00 - 6th May 2019 
Description: Human error is one of the biggest root causes for Cyber-Security incidents. Learn how to keep you aware and safe by seeing hand-on hacking examples.

Title:  Security Awareness in business environment
Location: Connatix Cluj Office
Date: 11:00 - 5th Oct 2018
Description:Understand, by having hand-on hacking examples, why the security awareness of your employees is deciding your organization security level. 

Title:  8th - OWASP Cluj-Napoca members meeting - Experimental detection and prevention system
Location: Betfair Cluj Office
Date: 18:00 - 12th May 2016
Description: Insights and challenges on how to implement a detection and prevention system using Python and Machine Learning techniques.